Usage ===== Using the package ----------------- To run the ros_typedb_interface: .. code-block:: console ros2 run ros_typedb ros_typedb_interface -p schema_path:= -p data_path:= **Note:** Make sure to replace and with the real path for your schema and data file **Note 2:** Remember that ros_typedb_interface is a `LifeCycle `_ node, so you need to change its state to active before using it. Check the [lifecycle tutorial]( Extend the package ------------------ To extend this package with custom functionalities, you can create a new ROS Node inheriting from ROSTypeDBInterface and a new typedb interface inheriting from TypeDBInterface. Then you simply need to add the new functionalities you need into your class. Example: New typedb interface: .. code-block:: python class MyModelInterface(TypeDBInterface): def __init__(self, address, database_name, schema_path, data_path=None, force_database=False, force_data=False): super().__init__( address, database_name, schema_path, data_path, force_database, force_data ) New ROS interface: .. code-block:: python class MyModelROSInterface(ROSTypeDBInterface): def __init__(self, node_name, schema_path='', data_path='', **kwargs): super().__init__(node_name, schema_path, data_path, **kwargs) self.typedb_interface_class = MyModelInterface Sping ROS node: .. code-block:: python def main(): rclpy.init() traceback_logger = rclpy.logging.get_logger( 'mymodel_kb_traceback_logger') lc_node = MyModelROSInterface('mymodel_kb') executor = rclpy.executors.MultiThreadedExecutor() executor.add_node(lc_node) try: executor.spin() except (KeyboardInterrupt, rclpy.executors.ExternalShutdownException): pass except Exception as exception: traceback_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise exception finally: lc_node.destroy_node()