List of known problems and their solutions. If you find new problems and find a solution for it, please consider contributing to this section.
MAVROS and ArduSub integration problems:
A common problem that occurs over time is that some packages are upgraded in Ubuntu 22.04 and the connection between MAVROS and ArduSub stops working. I don’t know how to fix this issue long term, but a workaround is to update MAVROS and/or ArduSub and check if it works again.
Before updating MAVROS and ArduSub upgrade your Ubuntu:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Update ArduSub:
Due to ArduSub usage of submodules, it is simpler to just remove the whole ardupilo repo and build it from scratch again.
rm -rf ~/ardupilot
To find the latest version of ArduSub go to the ardupilot repo and look for the newest branch of ArduSub. At the time of this writing, the latest branch is Sub-4.1 at commit e9f46b9. After you know the latest branch or commit you want to get, follow the install ardusub instructions replacing the commit in git checkout e9f46b9
with the commit/branch you selected.
Update MAVROS: To update MAVROS, you can either change its version in the suave.rosinstall file with the newest version of mavros, or simply change the version to ros2. Then you need to pull the repo:
cd ~/suave_ws/
vcs pull src
Alternatively, instead of updating the suave.rosinstall file, you can just update mavros manually:
cd ~/suave_ws/src/mavros
git checkout ros2
git pull
Don’t forget to rebuild the suave workspace:
cd ~/suave_ws/
colcon build --symlink-install